
Helpful Links

We hope you find the links below useful as we have said before we do not know how good your knowledge of all things web and internet related actually are,so we have given you information that we hope some of you may find helpful.

If you have a product or service you feel would be useful to people who may find our website then please feel free to contact us and we will see if we would like to share it on our website.



Links to bravenet




We are surprised that Bravenet are still going strong they seem to offer a lot of tools for new webmasters and those who need some hosted solutions.

There are links to various tools that most new webmasters would find useful, by the way most good thinking webmasters should not be using guestbooks, facebook seems to have taken over that. But still Bravenet has a host of links to some services you should find useful

From,classifieds scripts to message forums which if done right can be very popular, mailing lists, chat rooms online calenders, photo albums and site search all can be handy.


Free website builder from site123

What Makes Us The Best Website Builder?

Having the very best easy to use tools is our main advantage. Affordable pricing along with 24 hour online support, and we here at SITE123 know that support is one of the most important things people look for when choosing a hosted web site builder company to use.

SITE123 is the most intuitive and easy to use website builder on the market. We handle everything from website structures to design to make sure you focus only on your content.

SITE123's editor is much more efficient than traditional drag and drop website builders.

Pricing is per month or paid annually you decide, when we said above we are affordable we meant it.

CoffeeCup Software

It’s good to see that the growth of the internet has not hampered some companies from growing and Coffeecup has been around for a long time also

coffeecupDid you know that CoffeeCup Software began in a real coffee shop in 1994. It was the only place in town (and one of only a dozen or so worldwide) that offered free Internet access so people could come by, order a Cappuccino and surf the web.

On their website you will site some great links to some great tools that any webmaster would find useful.

Responsive design is king and therefore it’s only right a Company such as Coffeecup should offer you a chance to create your own responsive website although it does cost about $189, mind you that does include 12 stunning themes.

That’s not a bad price if you can create something stunning and you are happy with the end result after all to get a bespoke design created would cost about three times that amount for starters.