How to Switch Email Services

Switching from gmail to other platforms is easy There’s dozens of reasons why you might want to switch to a different email provider. Whether its worries about insecurity (such as with Yahoo these days), Gmail’s disconcerting habit of ‘reading’ every email you type, or just the fact that you plain don’t like the features your current email provides, there’s always a better alternative. One of the things stopping most people from doing so is that they’re too afraid they’ll be

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Email on the go

Email no need to worry about missing yours Email is a funny old thing, sometimes we have technology at our fingertips and all our emails go to our phones or tablets etc and hey that’s great. But sometimes there are times when you can’t get access to that pop3 email on the go because all the settings are tied to your computer at home or work. Well this great service has been a saviour to us many many times and

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